October 20, first event, another work party. We do them...

Established in 2009 by founder Ann Kreilkamp who dedicated the sunny side of the just purchased house next door to her own for a Green Acres Neighborhood Garden, both our sense of community and our capacity for growing food have evolved organically over time. In 2012 Rebecca Ellsworth, an organic gardener for 40 years with experience in community gardens, joined us; she guided our gardening efforts for nine years, before moving to Hawaii. Seven years ago, a third adjacent house was added, its grounds also used for growing food, plus chickens. In 2023, a 12-foot yurt was added to the mix, functioning as an extra bedroom and a meditation space. In August 2024, the third house was sold to Elisha Hardy, an experienced gardener, who had been attending our Community Dinners for years and wanted to dive in deeper. Elisha is now our garden manager, and has big plans, starting November 2024, with a higher, sturdier fence to keep out deer.
Green Acres Permaculture Village
About GAPV

GREEN ACRES PERMACULTURE VILLAGE is a retrofit intergenerational intentional community carved from within an existing suburban neighborhood in a college town.
Join Our Community

Are you looking for community and interested in living more sustainably? Do you want to eat produce, wild edibles, and chicken eggs from right outside your door?
Community Dinners

Join us at Green Acres every Thursday evening at 7pm for dinner with friends and neighbors. The dinners are not potlucks, but giftings. However, you are welcome to bring food.
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Wow. More than a month has passed since last post....
The tragic events of two nights ago make it even...

Two Events, Mid-October: Work Party and Community Dinner
October 20, first event, another work party. We do them every Sunday, three to four hours, with lunch afterwards. After

Green Acres Village, early October:
It’s been about six months since I posted on this site. So much happening! Don’t really have time to post

Late April: Garden and other photos, with commentary
Wow. More than a month has passed since last post. Too much to do around here — given that it’s
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