Green Acres Permaculture Village

Growing community from the ground up.

Ann K.’s “five week spiral journey . . .” and upcoming opportunity!

. . . which began at the NAPC (see last post) and ended at a sibling reunion, is now detailed on its own Page at Along the way, I presented on the Evolution of Green Acres Village four times, to small groups of people who are also interested in new templates for cooperative living within suburban neighborhoods.

I begin my presentation in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.

All but one of the presentations were done with the help of a powerpoint display, 144 images flashing by almost like a movie, actually demonstrating how, little by little, this intentional village within an existing suburban neighborhood has been materializing little by little, not just through our community permaculture garden, but personally, socially, and even spiritually.

In these presentations I focus especially on “shadow work,” both individual and cultural, the willing recognition of those parts of ourselves that we don’t like to look at because we fear they will damage our “self-image.” I led the audience through a powerful shadow manifestation that occurred here in our community over a three year period. Had we not been willing to confront and work with this conundrum — an archetypal conflict with the proverbial “nasty neighbor” — creatively, it would have drained the energy out of the project.

If readers in the midwest are interested in an evening featuring this evolving Green Acres presentation, I love to do it, and it’s fun for all. I could set up another road trip, for say, one week, once places to do it are coordinated. I would need someone to host both me and the event. Donations at the door for either my travel expenses or your favorite local cause, or both!




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