Our Thursday morning work hour began with pod-mate, Solan sharing a personal and heartfelt message with us. Afterward, the feeling of friendship and teamwork seemed to expand as we worked on potting up a few plants and mixing new soil. Our work time ended in vibrant and thoughtful discussion.

With notable news about the growing law suits against Monsanto that morning, it started interesting and thoughtful conversations about the vital work we do at Green Acres. Each and every one of us is capable of doing this work — anywhere there is soil to heal and there are good hearts to plant seeds.
Unfortunately, the only two decent photos from Thursday dinner at Maple House are below. Next time I plan to bring out the big camera! It was a lovely evening with mild temperatures and a warm, inviting atmosphere. Fresh flowers were a nice touch from Daisy and neighbor Jenny brought us a wild flower from her yard called a Siberian Squill. Early conversations were about seasonings while looking at recipe books, talk of family traditions, baking, candied flowers — there seemed to be a dessert theme!
Jenny, Jelene, Wanda, Eva, and Sophia joined us early. Andreas arrived with Annie soon after and Aaron stopped in later with his sweet dog, Masha. Many lively discussions! The spread wasn’t big this night but the connection was nourishing.