February 27: Seeds galore, safely in their little soil blocks, spring up with water and sun!

Our two work parties this week were very productive. Here are pics from both Tuesday and Friday mornings, followed by a final one today, during Daniel’s spray time; finally, pics of the notes taken of what was planted when since we began, February 1..

Lots of seeds started!  

When I walked into the greenhouse on Friday, it was still chilly. Somebody had forgotten to fire up the stove hours earlier. Oh well! 

And, when I walked in, a conversation was going as to how we could productively use the ash from the stove (on left). Somebody looked it up and discovered that a thin layer of wood ash can be sprinkled under seedlings when planted to deter soft-bodied critters. Don’t know the url, but  here’s one source for something like that idea.

Aya, Annie, Marita.

Aya and new farm manager, Daniel.

Daniel, Annie, Joseph with Aya (hidden)

Daniel sprays. Joseph, hidden, waits. He has decided to play the tiny singing bowl, here in his hands, over the plants . . .

On our way!

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