Who wouldn’t love free native trees?
Last Wednesday, Green Acres took delivery of about half a dozen different kinds of trees and shrubs to disperse to our neighbors who participated in The Neighborhood Planting Project. We took orders over the course of two weeks via email, and in person at community dinners.
From the flyer: The Neighborhood Planting Project is a group of neighbors on Bloomington’s westside committed to supporting local growing, food autonomy, ecological restoration, and public beauty.
I came to the project a little late in the game but after reading about it, I was all in. Hugh did such a great job facilitating, it was a breeze. Admittedly, I was somewhat frantic the day before and day of, expecting small trees with sizable root balls and hoping for enough space in the second greenhouse. Turns out they were just whip starts. No trucks or extra folks needed to lift and carry! Free trees and plenty of smiles from the delivery crew!

Thanks to @IUonStrike for the NPP nod and a Green Acres mention on Twitter. Here’s an archive to the local EcoReport on WFHB.
Learn more about this project and watch for Green Acres to participate again next year!