Tag Archives: August 8

Green Acres Village, August 8, second post: COMMUNITY DINNERS RECONVENE

After a month’s hiatus, we came back, and with a vengeance, showing off our new outdoor kitchen! Here it is, ready for our second August community dinner this Thursday, two days hence. Notice the cloth covers — over the dishes and silverware, which we can now leave outside, with folks cleaning their own dishes immediately. […]

Read more at Exopermaculture: Green Acres Village, August 8, second post: COMMUNITY DINNERS RECONVENE

Green Acres Village: Thursday, August 8, first of two posts: OUTDOOR KITCHEN WORK PARTY

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More and more, our one to two hour Monday and Thursday morning work parties focus on accomplishing a single task, quickly and efficiently, with Charisse (Rebecca) in the lead, both deciding the project and directing the process. About 9:45 AM we all get a text, announcing that day’s project and where to meet at 10…

Read more at Exopermaculture: Green Acres Village: Thursday, August 8, first of two posts: OUTDOOR KITCHEN WORK PARTY