Two Events, Mid-October: Work Party and Community Dinner

October 20, first event, another work party.

We do them every Sunday, three to four hours, with lunch afterwards. After clearing and redesigning the corner of DeKist and Overhill on October 7, this time we cleared, and made a path through, the DeKist side of the street, which also involved taking out a small but mighty tree. That tree had been shading part of the main garden, so now more sun there for next year’s growing season.

Hard at work . . .

Job completed!

Lunch afterwards is always fun, both a reward for work well done, and a chance to decide what is needed next. 

October 24, second event: Community Dinner

This year we’ve been holding Community Dinners (for neighbors, relatives, friends) twice a month (having scaled back from once a week for the last ten years). Given the unusually warm temperatures this October, we scheduled our second Community Dinner outside on the patio, where we have been holding them each time since late spring.

However, by 7 PM, when Dinners are scheduled to begin, on November 24 it’s already dark! Should we hold it outside anyway, and just make sure there’s plenty of light? We decided yes. One more time, this fine year.

We were understandably concerned that the event would be too dark to appreciate, and possibly too cold after the sun went down but neither were true. The eleven of us had a great time, having taken every opportunity to light the place, with newly strung Christmas lights, candles on tables, the yurt lit up from the inside, and a fire in our portable fire pit. Great fun.

Hope you can pick up the flavor with these darkish pics.


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